Bonsai Tree Roundup

Let's talk about the beautiful Bonsai tree.

There are many benefits to bringing a Bonsai plant into your life, home, or relationship, that it’s difficult to not want to head over to your local nursery and pick one up. Tending to a bonsai tree can increase your patience, induce stress relief, and so much more.

With endless possibilities of the types of trees and results that you may end up with, you, the Bonsai plant owner, have control over its destiny. Get acquainted with the different types of Bonsai trees available to you now, and let us know which one you end up buying!

Juniper Bonsai by Javi

Juniper Bonsai is a popular choice due to its adaptability to a wide variety of temperatures and any kind of soil, and their long lives.

Foemina Juniper by Mel Ikeda

An upright juniper bonsai.

Shohin Crabapple by Katsumi Komiya

These intentionally small and cute bonsai are known as “Shohin” Bonsai. To be considered a Shohin tree, you must be able to hold the tree in one hand.

Ginkgo Biloba Bonsai by Planet Cactus

This Bonsai is indigenous to China, dating back 270 million years.

Ficus Bonsai by

This bonsai genus belongs to the family of mulberry plants and is the most popular indoor tree species for beginners at bonsai. There are between 800 to 2,000 different types of ficus species.

Old Prunus Bonsai by Travis Goldstein

Also known as the sakura tree!

Ponderosa Pine by Bonsai Mirai

Native to western North America and the Rocky Mountains, the ponderosa pine is one of the easiest trees to transplant out of the wild.

Japanese Maple Bonsai

These hand-shaped leave bonsai originate from Japan, China, and Korea. It is easy to fall in love with the Japanese maple with its heartiness and beauty, especially during the autumn months.

This only covers a sliver of the number of species and variations of bonsai that exist (even) locally. Living in Southern California and not being able to fully experience all seasons, I might just run over the San Gabriel Nursery and grab myself a Japanese Maple Bonsai as I am a sucker for foliage. Happy Bonsai-ing!

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Article featured in this issue:
September 25, 2020

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