These Life Choices Will Show Which Dad Phrase You Embody

Everyone has a Dad phrase in them.

Fathers and father figures usually give us sound advice, support us through thick and thin, and guide us through our lives. Most of these learning moments come with a catch phrase or saying that they pass on to us. Even though we might not know it, there is one inside of all of us.

This quiz will help find your inner dad. Let's enjoy these fun phrases and celebrate those that have been great father figures in our lives!

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Article featured in this issue:
Summer of Love
July 10, 2020

Maybe it's the reprieve from classes and schoolwork that gives us the head space to explore our feelings. Maybe it's the long days and warm nights that energize and invigorate the soul. This issue explores the many angles of love in celebration of the magic that's created in this special season.

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Finding Love Advice at a Japanese Confectionary Shop

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Coming Out, Coming Home

Stan Yogi, co-chair of Okaeri, a group and conference for LGBTQ+ Nikkei, shares his story of coming to terms with his identities as a gay, Japanese American man.


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For My Love of Foamy Soda, Onigiri, and Baked Goods

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Dear Craig: The Best Ways to Flirt at a Summer Festival

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These Life Choices Will Show Which Dad Phrase You Embody

Fathers and father figures usually give us sound advice, support us through thick and thin, and guide us through our lives. Which mantra do you embody?